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ДОЛОТО PDC Bit GM1318T в Туркестан

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Cangzhou GREAT Drill Bits Co., LTD

Буровое Долото GM1318T

The unique optimization GM1318 has proven to increase bit performance across a range of medium formations and operating parameters. Advanced tungsten carbide material matrix body 20% improvement in erosion resistant than precious matrix bit Long parabolic blade and special cutter arrangement helps to increase the stability and steerbility Superior PDC cutter technology made a perfect performance on impact strength resistance and abrasive resistance. Enhanced bit stability for BHA shock and vibration mitigation. Increase cleaning and reduce balling. The FEA software for the cutters distribution and layout made the drilling more efficient and reduce NPT. Optimize the angle of the cutter in both axial and radial by FBS(force balance analyze) software resulting in stronger aggressive and more durability of the bit. DOC(depth of cutters) was calculated and optimized by a series experiences of the bit,made the cutter penetrate the formations more rationally. Effectively improve the stability and ROP of the bit by spiral blade.

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